Become More Organized and Spend Time with Others to Learn Fast with Mandy Michael
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Mandy Michael
Phil’s guest on this episode of the IT Career Energizer podcast is Mandy Michael. She is a community organizer, speaker, writer, and developer. Mandy is currently working as a Development Manager at Seven West Media in Western Australia. Her passion is front end technology and she’s a strong advocate for women in technology, volunteering at events such as She Codes and Muse JS. She is also Founder and Organiser of Fenders, a local meetup for Front End Developers, co-organizer and director of MixinConf and was named as one of the Top 20 Women in Tech in Western Australia in its inaugural year.
In this episode, Phil and Mandy Michael discuss why it is worth taking the time to learn how to use organizational tools effectively. They talk about the best way to challenge decisions others make that affect you. Mandy also talks a little about variable fonts, how they can be created and what you can achieve by using them. She explains how public speaking and becoming more empathetic have both helped her career.
2 Top Career Tips
Show Notes
Worst Career Moment
A while ago Mandy switched from working exclusively on development and moved to also working on the front end. But a new boss insisted that she choose between the two. Mandy now regrets not challenging their decision, instead of just going along with things. If you feel strongly about something, it is wise to trust your instincts and speak up. In the podcast, Mandy explains why this is good for your team as well as for you personally.
Career Highlight
The amazing reception the variable font she made and uploaded to CodePen got is Mandy´s current career highlight. When she created it, she did not really realize that nobody had used variable fonts in that way before. Coming up with something that had such a big impact felt great. Since then, quite a few big companies, for example, Google and Microsoft have used and shared her work. In the podcast, Mandy tells the audience a bit more about variable fonts and what can be achieved using them.
The Future
The fact that the industry does not have to be limited by what has already been created is exciting. It means that everything is still possible. If you want to do things differently you just code it to prove that your concept works. Within the IT industry, there is plenty of time and space to invent and develop new things.
The Reveal
What first attracted you to a career in I.T.?
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
What is the worst career advice you’ve ever received?
If you had to begin your career again in today’s world, what would you do?
What career objectives are you currently focusing on?
What’s the number one non-technical skill that has helped you in your career so far?
What do you do to keep your own career energized?
What do you do in your spare time away from technology?
Contact The Guest
Contact Mandy Michael through the following social media platforms: