Focus On The Things You’re Passionate About with Mike Williams
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Mike Williams
Mike Williams is the founder of BuildLab, a digital development and automation studio and the co-founder and CTO of SharpSeat, an Event Ticket Marketplace. He is also a full-stack web developer with an emphasis on front-end-development & design and process automation. In this episode Mike talks about the importance of focusing on things your passionate about so as to remain motivated. He also discusses why it’s crucial to begin your career as soon as possible.
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2 Top Career Tips
Show Notes
Worst Career Moment
Mike worked on a project that was cancelled after a large amount of work, which caused much stress. It was the result of expectation issues on both sides.
Career Highlight
Making the move to self-employment was a defining moment in Mike’s career path. Working for himself was always a career aspiration.
The Future
The newer technologies that remove the infrastructure that can sometimes be obstructive in terms of development. Gradually, the tech world is refining itself and becoming easier to wield.
The Reveal
What first attracted you to a career in I.T.?
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
What is the worst career advice you’ve ever received?
If you had to begin your career again in today’s world, what would you do?
What career objectives are you currently focusing on?
What’s the number one non-technical skill that has helped you in your career so far?
What do you do to keep your own career energized?
What do you do in your spare time away from technology?
Contact The Guest
Contact Mike Williams through the following social media platforms: