Make Sure Your Customers Are Your Kind Of People and Always Empower Others with Alexander Embiricos
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Alexander Embiricos
In this week’s show, Phil talks to Alexander Embiricos, cofounder and CEO of Remotion, a virtual office that brings hybrid teams to life. Before starting Remotion, he was a Product Manager at Dropbox, as well as having studied Computer Science at Stanford. Alexander talks about the value in identifying a customer base that you can relate to on a personal level. He also discusses the value in empowering others.
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2 Top Career Tips
Show Notes
Worst Career Moment
While working for Dropbox, Alexander realized that he did not have the sufficient manpower to meet an important deadline. He ended up performing the work himself, but was advised that this was not the point of project managing.
Career Highlight
A video call with a customer, which resulted in Alexander being told how useful the Remotion tool had been to their way of working.
The Future
Seeing how the community is able to build upon the work of others, iterating products and services, and pushing to see what is possible.
The Reveal
What first attracted you to a career in I.T.?
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
What is the worst career advice you’ve ever received?
If you had to begin your career again in today’s world, what would you do?
What career objectives are you currently focusing on?
What’s the number one non-technical skill that has helped you in your career so far?
What do you do to keep your own career energized?
What do you do in your spare time away from technology?
Contact The Guest
Contact Alexander Embiricos through the following social media platforms: