Involve Yourself In As Many Things As Possible and Don’t Be Intimidated By Job Titles with Julian Sequeira
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Julian Sequeira
Julian Sequeira is a Python coach and co-founder of PyBites, a platform that he and friend Bob Belderbos created to help others to learn Python. He currently works for Amazon Web Services where his responsibilities include running the AWS Data Centre Operations Trainee Program.
In this episode Julian discusses the importance of leaving your comfort zone and building your communication skills by involving yourself in as many things as possible without becoming overwhelmed. He also talks about why we should never be intimidated by job titles, and to remember that even those in positions of authority are people, too.
PyBites – Check out the PyBites website and the 14 day Free Trial !
Episode 248 – Check out the interview with Bob Belderbos, co-founder of PyBites!
2 Top Career Tips
Show Notes
Worst Career Moment
While working in a data centre, Julian relied on a third-party vendor to advise on the safety of the environment. This put him at great risk. Always double check when you’re working with equipment and take advice from someone you can trust.
Career Highlight
Beginning a coaching initiative for Python developers has allowed Julian to push himself in terms of development and has also given him the confidence to escape the feelings of impostor syndrome that everyone experiences in their career.
The Future
The world is becoming so much more reliant on IT in terms of direction. Having a career in IT is like being a rock star. When it comes to opportunities and being on the front line of development, IT is the dream career.
The Reveal
What first attracted you to a career in I.T.?
What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
What is the worst career advice you’ve ever received?
If you had to begin your career again in today’s world, what would you do?
What career objectives are you currently focusing on?
What’s the number one non-technical skill that has helped you in your career so far?
What do you do to keep your own career energized?
What do you do in your spare time away from technology?
Contact The Guest
Contact Julian Sequeira through the following social media platforms: